Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I don't have any new photos to post, so I thought I would post a random photo from my archives.  It is definitely not one of my best, but considering how poorly exposed the original was, I'm pretty happy with what I was able to do with it.  This slide was scanned with my Nikon scanner, dropped into iPhoto, exposure adjusted and converted to sepia (was a color slide originally).  I have some gorgeous portraits from the time I spent in Mali (years ago).  I will try to post a few more over time.

Heidi and Jeff -- I am praying that you continue to find more support for your mission in Mali.   To my blog readers -- If you are looking for a worthwhile cause to support, please consider a donation to Heidi and Jeff as they take their family to Mali, West Africa to aid/minister to the Malian people.

1 comment:

Stina Marie said...

What beautiful children. The photo turned out lovely.