Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time to relax

It is the weekend again and a perfect time to relax a bit.  The weather is warming up (70's and even into the 80's) and trees are budding.  The grass has turned green again and the birds are chirping loudly.
Mom came into town for the weekend to visit.  I'm very happy about it as our last scheduled visit had to be postponed due to medical issues.  We cruised around last night in her convertible and looked at a couple of the homes that Charlie and I have been considering.  Then we watched a movie and went to bed.
This morning we went driving around some more and ended up in Frankenmuth.  The photo below is from a kaleidoscope set up in front of one of the stores.  If you've been to Frankenmuth you probably know what I'd talking about.  I stuck the camera up to the eye piece and it actually worked (it is a little fuzzy, but still pretty cool)!

Anyway, we had coffee on the brain so we went to a newer coffee shop we hadn't been to before and took our time enjoying our drinks and biscotti.

No trip to Frankenmuth is complete for Mom without a stop at Rapunzel's.  It really is unique and they change their displays frequently.  There is a knitting section, home decor, clothing and jewelry.

We also went to Zender's bakery (yum), the health food store and the cheese store.  It started to rain just when we were leaving town (we got to the car just in time to put the top up).  We did a few other things and then headed back to our house.  Driving down some back roads we notice a few patches of gorgeous white flowers.  I'm 99.9% sure this is bloodroot.  I like the way this photo turned out.

P.S.  The mama barn cat had her babies.  Wednesday night she was big and fat and Thursday morning she was skinny and her belly sagged half way to the ground : )
I'll give her some time with them for now, but hopefully I'll find them later so I can get some photos.  

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