Sunday, June 14, 2009

Congrats, Marina!

My niece, Marina, graduated from high school last weekend and we had her graduation party yesterday.
My in-laws don't throw your typical graduation open house though.  They combined it with their annual fish fry this year -- which is an experience in itself.  Typically it involves frying up about 40 lbs. of walleye, french fries, hush puppies, etc.  Many people make a dish to pass so they end up with a kid's pool filled with ice and various cold salads, a line up of crock pots and enough desserts to give an army diabetes.

Some of the family set up microphones and pull out their guitars/banjos and play music.  Anyone who wants to play or sing a solo are welcome to join in.  We had music ranging from mountain songs to AC/DC last night.

On top of the normal fish fry we had Marina's graduation cake and a table full of photo memories.  There were probably about 200 people there throughout the day and Marina's card box was full.  Lucky gal!
My family is probably the exact opposite of my in-laws.  My Mom's side of the family got together a couple of weeks ago.  We had exactly enough to fill a living room -- and  it was far from rowdy.  It was a good time but we are just quiet people I guess.  It is nice to be a part of a family that gets together often - and makes sure it is a party to remember.

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