Saturday, January 23, 2010

Making Plans

Seed and plant catalogues are beginning to find their way to my mailbox lately.  I've been marking up pages like a kid making a Christmas wish list in the Toys R Us mailing.  I know I should start small this year and not bite off more that I can chew.  This is, of course, our first year at this home and I can't expect to have my garden running full tilt right away.  I'd like to get a good start on it though.

I'd like to build some raised bed gardens, a salad tray to grow lettuce on the patio, and something to contain my compost pile.  I'm figuring out how to fix up the shed out back so we can get chickens.  A chicken tractor would also be a good thing to have.  I'd like to plant blueberries, paw paw, and a variety of other fruit trees.  I might even try some hazelnuts or some other nut tree.  I'd like to find the perfect spot to start some asparagus and rhubarb.

I'm sure it is more than I can get done -- but I'm going to try.  I had grand plans for this weekend but woke up with a killer sinus headache.  I'm off to a slow start.  I want to get my craft room properly set up.  Up until this point, that room has been the catch-all room for stuff we moved in but didn't have a home for yet.

Also in the near future, I'd like to paint the work bench and cabinets that are in the basement.  Our basement has potential for a nice work station for messier crafts (woodworking projects, starting plants for the garden, possibly even tie dye).

I also have plans to learn how to make cheese.  I finally took the plunge and bought a mozzarella/ricotta kit from urbancheesecraft.... obviously I will blog about the whole process as I learn.

P.S. The photo above is from Fayette Historic State Park in Michigan's Upper Penninsula.  I shot it years ago while on vacation with my "bff"s Rich and Jen (and my ex-husband).  My current profile picture was also shot in one of the historic houses in Fayette.


Denise said...

We planted blueberries. Just remember they like acid soil so add wood chips and such to them. We also got a mozzarella kit. Use whole milk and if it is unhomogenized it makes it taste better. We have a local farm that has jersey milk that they pasterize at the lowest temp and it is great for cheese. Love that cream on top too! Good luck with all your planting!

FlowerMomma said...

that is such a beautiful photo! from such a beautiful day! Thanks for the memory! I think we might try to take the kids there this summer, Fayette was amazing.

Thanks for blogging! Sorry I haven't been. I'll get to it soon. I feel the inspiration slowly returning. I feel like I've been hibernating ever since Christmas!